2024 Winter BINGO
The Freeport Elementary PTC is pleased to provide both MSS and MLS students with a fun winter activity: BINGO game for the entire month of February!
BINGO boards have been sent home with students in their folders or grab a copy below. Mark off activities as they are completed. Getting BINGO (4 in a row for MSS; 5 in a row for MLS) means students will be entered to win grade level prizes. We will offer 2 grade level prices per grade. If students complete the whole activity BINGO card they will be in the running to win the grand prize of Principal for the Day! at their school. If your child would prefer NOT to be in the grand prize running, simply add a note to the sheet so we know.
Hopefully Mother Nature continues to supply a generous helping of snow to make checking off the snow activities easy!
Please return the BINGO card in your child's folder by Friday, March 22, 2024 to be eligible for prizes.